Queria notificarle que hay unos tipos vendiendo un supuesto tratamiento natural para revertir la diabetes tipo 2, usando su imagen con un fake video suyo. El enlace lo he puesto abajo ya que un video similar se me aparecio a mi en YouTube.
Thank you Jorge—clearly this is a topic you have considered yourself. So many people who have the privilege of supporting ourselves via our passions struggle when that time comes to an end. When I—unexpectedly—left CNN after 15 years, I struggled for years to uncover my identity without journalism. I would have benefited from the insight of this column. I know so many are doing so right now. Thank you 🙏🏼
Querido Jorge,
Gracias por abrir este espacio en Substack.
Queria notificarle que hay unos tipos vendiendo un supuesto tratamiento natural para revertir la diabetes tipo 2, usando su imagen con un fake video suyo. El enlace lo he puesto abajo ya que un video similar se me aparecio a mi en YouTube.
Thank you Jorge—clearly this is a topic you have considered yourself. So many people who have the privilege of supporting ourselves via our passions struggle when that time comes to an end. When I—unexpectedly—left CNN after 15 years, I struggled for years to uncover my identity without journalism. I would have benefited from the insight of this column. I know so many are doing so right now. Thank you 🙏🏼